
Love is in the Ground

If you are reading this, you may sense there is something more, something missing, some state of health that you feel could be yours but seems elusive.  Western medicine is superior for acute conditions but fails us in living from a vital, healthy state.  There are many ways of healing, some new, some ancient, and some reclaimed.

States of health are not elusive.  Finding the techniques and practices to meet your needs may take time and patience.  It is a journey and we hope it has been made easier for you through the information provided.

Please explore the many ways you may reach a state of vital wholeness and connect to our Group or Membership to ask questions and gain a deeper understanding.

Be a healer to yourself!


This plant is made of a combination of plants requiring special processing in order for the human body to take advantage of the properties that lead to an altered state. 

That the process happened by accident is unlikely according to Jeremy Nardby as expressed in the Cosmic Serpent. 


In Ayurveda and yogic thought, chakras are centers of energy that interact with both the physical and energetic (subtle) bodies.

Blocked chakras cause dis-ease physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Blocked chakras disrupt the healthy energy flow inhibiting a sense of wholeness.


One of the oldest healing processes, originating in China. Based on the idea, there is a network of energy points in the body.  When the energy is blocked, illness may follow.

Each meridian can be awakened and assisted in creating uninterrupted energy flows, resulting in health and vitality.


The breath focuses the life energy.  Known as prana in Ayurveda, chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the breath is life.

There are many techniques used to quiet the mind, increase energy, release emotional pain, and blockages and help improve vitality.

Essential Oils

The breath focuses the life energy.  Known as prana in Ayurveda, chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the breath is life.

There are many techniques used to quiet the mind, increase energy, release emotional pain, and blockages and help improve vitality.