Manipulating Objects

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Manipulation of Objects and Living Systems
M ost people believe that what transpires in our conscious mind is private and does not directly impact the physical world or those around us. But what if there is evidence that shows this belief is untrue? What if experiments show beyond a statistical doubt that our conscious mind influences the reality we experience? It turns out our physical reality may be malleable, and we can affect it.
This notion isn’t at odds with traditional religious beliefs. In many religions, for example, prayer is made to relieve the suffering of others. They believe that petitioning God with prayer can influence the lives of those for whom they pray. But there is evidence that raises a question as to whether God intervenes or ourselves who are more directly affecting reality.
Over the past several decades, research shows support for the mind-matter connection hypothesis. We can influence both living and non-living systems in ways we don’t generally understand or appreciate. If the research was given more attention, and people started developing their inherent skills, might we accomplish things previously thought impossible?
Quantum physics experiments show there is a connection between the observer and the quantum particles observed. The Rhine Research Center, the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), and the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory (PEAR) have conducted well-controlled experiments statistically proving human consciousness influences animate and inanimate objects.
Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word paranormal as “not scientifically explainable.” That doesn’t mean the object of something labeled as being paranormal isn’t real; rather, we haven’t figured out how to measure it from a scientific approach. Consider the following studies.
Thinking Globally
The Global Consciousness Project is an international consortium of scientists and engineers engaged in observing how human consciousness affects random number generators (RNG). The researchers found that when a global event happens, the random generation of numbers becomes less random, which is unexpected. Examples of events that coincided with RNG deviations include the death of Princess Diana in Paris, the collapse of the World Trade Center towers, and President Obama’s inauguration. While individual deviations do not cause massive RNG deviations, the analysis of small deviations of over 500 events showed the odds against chance deviations in the range of 100 billion to one.
Roll of the Dice
Many experiments have been conducted over recent decades to see if individuals can influence the roll of dice. As reported in the book Entangled Minds, Dean Radin and Diane Ferrari used a statistical tool known as a meta-analysis. They examined evidence from 148 different experiments from 1935 to 1987 and involved about 2.6 million dice throws. If dice throwers could not influence the outcome of the role, one would expect each face of a die would have one chance in six of showing up. However, if the roller can influence the outcome, the desired outcome would be greater than one in six. The results showed that the ability to roll a specific number was not strikingly large. For example, when thrown, one came up 17.2% of the time. When taking into account the number of trials, a different story is revealed. The likelihood of achieving this result is 1 in 10 to the 96th power (1 in 10 followed by 96 zeros).
Dr. Joe Gallenberger, a clinical psychologist, has conducted workshops using energetic intention to influence dice roll at a casino in Las Vegas. He also taught similar courses at the Monroe Institute. In Las Vegas, his groups have sufficient success that casino management noticed. Management indicated they couldn’t detect anything untoward going on. Still, because his success rate consistently beat the odds, he was no longer welcome. Joe negotiated an arrangement that would minimize the financial exposure to the casino and continued conducting his workshops.
Interestingly, other casino participants who weren’t aware of what Joe’s groups were doing also took note of the successes. When Joe’s groups hit the maximum negotiated winning limit and had to stop, others figured the table was hot. They stepped in with larger than average bets thinking the table would bolster their success. Ultimately, casino management came to appreciate Joe’s involvement.
Spoon Bending
One of the creators of this website, Jim, has attended multiple “spoon bending parties” at the Rhine Center.
A bucket containing eating utensils is passed around, and each participant takes a utensil. They are instructed to hold the silverware between the thumb and 1st finger, gather energy in their heads, pass that energy down through their arms, and into the spoon. Then everyone commands his or her utensil to “bend, bend, bend.” Attention is briefly diverted from the spoon, then a little pressure is placed on the top of the spoon to see if the metal neck has become supple. The first trial might result in one or two people having success. Subsequent trials increase the success rate. In the three parties attended, Jim observed anywhere from 20% to 35% of the attendees having success. One evening, Jim’s sister-in-law joined him. Her 2nd effort was successful, and every attempt after that was a success. She recognized the feeling within her and could replicate that feeling.
Jim also attended a week residential program at the Monroe Institute called MC2. Participants develop their abilities to influence the roll of dice, accelerate the germination of seedlings, bend spoons, and cause a circular fluorescent light to light up without an outside electrical force.
The Rhine Center has accumulated decades of research into mind-matter influence such as dice rolling.
Body Thoughts
As reported in the book The Field by Lynne McTaggart, a researcher named William Braud conducted tests on red blood cells. The study wanted to see if human intent could influence cell survivability in a saline (salt) solution. “When red blood cells are placed in a solution with the same saline (salt) levels as the blood plasma, the membranes remain intact and will survive for a long time. Add too much or too little salt to the solution, and the membranes of the blood cells weaken and finally burst causing ‘hemolysis’.” Braud decided to enlist some volunteers, placing them in a distant room and instructing them to make a simple wish to protect the cells. Could the volunteers keep the cells from bursting by slowing their rate of hemolysis? Braud’s experiments showed the volunteers could slow the rate of hemolysis through simple wishing.
As reported in Dean Radin’s book Entangled Minds (pages 186 to 191), a study was conducted that provided evidence that “healing intention practiced repeatedly at the same location might change the physical site into a healing location”. Practitioners of a Japanese healing art known as Johrei attempted to affect the growth of a sample of human brain cells in a specific laboratory. Initially, the measured growth rate of these “treated” cells were similar to the growth rate of control cells stored in another location. However, over the course of the test period, the growth rate of the “treated” cells increased over time relative to the control cells. The odds against chance deviations in growth rates was 1,100 to 1.
Additionally, there were three random number generators (RNGs) placed in the healing room. These RNGs were calibrated and their output of random numbers measured over the course of the experiment. By the end of the experiment, the RNGs were producing numbers outside the expected range with odds against chance number production of 1.3 million to 1.
In Dean Radin’s book “The Conscious Universe – The Scientific Proof of Psychic Phenomena,” there is a reference to William Braud and some colleagues’ research. In this study, Braud was trying to show that individuals can impact the physiology of others. By focusing their intent even when the person or animal is non-local, they could affect the subject’s physiology. One aspect of this type of intention is called Distance Healing, which is popular the world over.
Healing hands is another area in which there seems to be evidence. In a fascinating video, Gregg Bradon shows a patient with bladder cancer appearing to be healed through trained energetic practitioners’ focused intent.
Don’t forget to visit the Library for books containing research findings on the malleability of reality and many more fascinating subjects.