Remote Viewing

Beyond The Senses

Remote viewing (RV) is a form of enhanced perception that doesn’t utilize the five senses.  We appear to have the ability to perceive information about places, people, and objects located elsewhere from the perceiver.  Further, this ability to acquire non-local information is not limited in time.  RV can focus on the past, present, and future.  If you haven’t heard of RV, this probably sounds improbable, but please read on. To learn the fascinating history of RV please visit the International Remote Viewing Association website.


US and Russian militaries have used RV to obtain useful intelligence about each other.  Joe MacMoneagle was one of the more preeminent remote viewers working for the government.  Joe accurately perceived what the Russian’s were building in one of their facilities.

RV is not dependent on time.  One Study indicated RV skills can predict the behavior of the stock market at a future time.

Joe MacMoneagle has said that everyone has some RV perceptual ability, and it may be cultivated under the guidance of professionals.  If you are interested in exploring your abilities, both the  Monroe Institute, Remote Viewing Instructional Services (RVIS), and the Rhine Center are good places to check out.  Look online too, as some offer virtual participation, and check out our Membership.

Jim’s Experience

Several years ago, at a Rhine Center “psi party,” Jim Fisher, co-founder of Consciousness Cafe, had his first opportunity to experience remote viewing.  Along with several other participants, everyone sat around a table with paper and pencils.  Six sealed manila envelopes numbered 1 to 6 sat at the corner of the table and a die.  Each envelope contained a picture.  The exercise coordinator shook the die to determine which envelope he would remove from the room.  The participants had about 10 minutes to try to perceive the contents of the picture in that envelope.

Jim knew RV does not rely on ordinary consciousness, so he used light meditation to clear his mind.  The first image/thought that came to him was a body of water, so Jim drew an irregular circle on the paper to represent the water.  He cleared his mind again.  Soon an image of rope or string arose, so he drew a straight line across the paper to portray it.  He then thought that cats like to play with string, so he wrote the word “cat” on the paper.  It occurred to Jim that he was now using his logical mind, so he used light meditation again to clear his thoughts.  The last image that came to him was two beams of light, leaving the area in front of his body.  As these beams of light got further away from him, they diminished in brightness, and the distance between the beams increased.

The coordinator came back into the room, opened the envelope, and passed the picture around.  It was a picture of a water skier taken from the back of the boat. Jim’s perception of water and rope was in the picture.  The beams of light correspond to the boat’s wake, brighter/whiter at the stern, and diminishing in intensity as the distance grew between the parallel trails.


A Technique

Paul Smith of RVIS conducted a one-day workshop at the Rhine Center a few years ago.  Participants learned a portion of the RVIS RV technique.  Each individual picked up a pencil and placed it in a writing position on a piece of paper.  Paul gave the group a number; all the participants let their hand start doodling on the paper. Paul’s number corresponds to a picture on his laptop.

The drawing should arise naturally and apart from conscious thought.  A few seconds after the drawing starts, each participant is supposed to see what feelings arise, then write words down to describe those feelings.

One participant in the workshop (Jim) started drawing a bumpy line when Paul gave the number.  As feelings arose, he started writing down words to describe those feelings, including rough, rocky, arid, hot, inhospitable, and browns and tans.  When the participants had completed their task, Paul revealed the picture associated with the number he had given the group.  It was a picture of the badlands in South Dakota.  There was a strong correlation between the image and the feelings that arose in Jim.


Try It

Test your skills here and here.


If you have questions or would like to share an experience, please check out our Membership.