Global Consciousness Project

Trials Every Second

Host Sites

Years of Random Data

Order in the World

When human consciousness becomes unified, we collectively alter the physical world, it brings order to chaos 

Global Project

Organized over 15 years ago at Princeton and supported by the Institue of Noetic Sciences, the project is internatioal with over 70 host sites around the world

Random Number Generator

RNG’s continiously produce completely random (unperdictable) sequences of zeros and ones


Data is collected continuously from the global network of host sites and transmit 200-bit trials every second which sent to a central archive

Greater Than Chance

When there is major event, the RNG’s data becomes ordered, which has probability of occuring with 1 in 1 trillion odds suggesting collective thoughts have an effect on the physical world

Major Events

When millions of people share intentions and emotions the data reflects a meaningful shift from randomness.  Events like 911 and other global events that effect millions seem to effect the RNG data

We Are Connected

The results of this test suggests we collectively effect the physical world, it is critical that each of us choose healthy, life affriming ways of being because what you think matters

Our Thoughts Affect the World

Though the effect of each event is small, because there is such a large amount of data, a pattern is forming and the odds this is happening by chance is extremely low

Global Project

Organized over 15 years ago at Princeton and supported by the Institue of Noetic Sciences, the project is internatioal with over 70 host sites around the world

Random Number Generator

RNG’s continiously produce completely random (unperdictable) sequences of zeros and ones


Data is collected continuously from the global network of host sites and transmit 200-bit trials every second which sent to a central archive

Major Events

When millions of people share intentions and emotions the data reflects a meaningful shift from randomness.  Events like 911 and other global events that effect millions seem to effect the RNG data

Greater Than Chance

When there is major event, the RNG’s data becomes ordered, which has probability of occuring with 1 in 1 trillion odds suggesting collective thoughts have an effect on the physical world

Order from Chaos

When human consciousness becomes unified, we collectively alter the physical world, it brings order to chaos 

Our Thoughts Affect the World

Though the effect of each event is small, because there is such a large amount of data, a pattern is forming and the odds this is happening by chance is extremely low

We Are Connected

The results of this test suggests we collectively effect the physical world, it is critical that each of us choose healthy, life affriming ways of being because what you think matters