Phoenix, Arizona, October 10, 2021 – The Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation (EKR
Foundation), a non-profit organization inspired by the life of psychiatrist, humanitarian,
and hospice pioneer Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, is pleased to announce its 3rd Education
Series, to launch Thursday, October 21st, 2021. It’s in the spirit of embracing all of life—
which includes death—that we further Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ mission and vision
through collaborations, education, and advocacy.
This Fall’s Education Series is inspired by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ many lectures and
articles, as well as her books, Death: The Final Stage of Growth (1975), On Life After
Death (1991), and The Tunnel and the Light (1999).
“Spirituality is an awareness that there is something far greater than we are, something that
created this universe, created life, and that we are an authentic, important, significant part of
it, and can contribute to its evolution.”
– Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
When we come to terms with death as part of our human development, death, through the
wisdom and experiences of the dying, can provide us with a key to the meaning of our
human existence. With the guidance and inspiration from Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ farreaching, comprehensive, and thought-provoking legacy, we learn from international
experts in the fields of grief and end-of-life to acknowledge and connect with the sensitive,
original, insightful findings on death, dying, and the afterlife.
The Art of Dying, with Jose Hernandez
JOSE HERNANDEZ is featured in the Netflix docu-series Surviving Death and the Dr. Oz