Have you ever been to a spiritual gathering where you suddenly smelled the sweet aroma of roses, found gems that had materialized and fallen onto the floor of the sanctuary, or saw a flickering flame on top of the building that heralded a spiritual awakening? David Hulse has. When David was 17 years old, he had a spiritual awakening that threw him onto the floor of his church, at which time he began to speak in tongues. This event became the foundation for his later spiritual work, which continues to this day. In this Consciousness Cafe meeting, we will talk with David about these and other stories linking the metaphysical and the religious, from someone who personally experienced them.
About David
David Hulse is the spiritual leader of Heartlight Spiritual Center in Charlotte North Carolina USA, whose services are designed to bridge religious and metaphysical worldviews. David started preaching soon after his spiritual awakening in his late teens and was active in a few spiritual movements that were popular in the mid-to late-20th century. His beliefs continued to grow and mature since that time, becoming more metaphysical and spiritual in nature.